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【 Xiao Gao Shares (15) Headers and footers in Word 】
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The use of headers and footers
Add header Footer: First, you need to go to the "Insert" TAB, click the "Header" or "Footer" button, and then select a preset style or create a new style.
Edit the header footer: Double-click the header or footer area, or click the "Design" TAB under the "Header and Footer Tools" to enter the editing mode. Here, you can add or remove elements such as text, pictures, page numbers, and more.
Link to previous section: If you want each new header footer to inherit the Settings of the previous section, make sure that the "Link to previous section" option is checked in the "Design" TAB under the "Header and Footer Tools".
Add different header footers: If you want to display different content in the header footer of different sections, please insert a section in the "Page Layout" TAB, and then add or modify the header footer in the new section.
Delete the header footer: Double-click the header or footer area to enter the edit mode, then select all content and press the "Delete" key. If you want to delete headers and footers for all sections, make sure the Link to Previous Section option in the Design TAB under Header and Footer Tools is not checked, and then delete everything.
Category of header and footer
Common header footer: Common header footer is the most common header footer in a document and usually contains page number, title, date, and other information.
Different header footers: On the front page of the document, you may want to display different header footers. This can be done by unchecking the "Different Home page" option in the "Design" TAB under the "Header and Footer Tools".
Odd and even pages Different header footers: When printing documents on both sides, you may want odd and even pages to display different header footers. This can be done by checking the "Odd and even pages are different" option in the "Design" TAB under the "Header and Footer Tools".
Section header footers: In different sections of the document, you may want to display different header footers. This can be done by inserting a section in the Page Layout TAB, and then adding or modifying the header footer in the new section.
Tips for using headers and footers
Avoid too much information: The header footer is used to display additional information, so make sure not to add too much content to it that will affect the overall beauty of the document.
Keep it simple: Try to keep headers and footers simple, using simple fonts and sizes for easy reading.
Pay attention to alignment: In the header footer, make sure that elements such as text, pictures, and page numbers are aligned to maintain the overall beauty of the document.
Check print preview: Before printing a document, be sure to check the print preview to make sure the header footer is positioned and content is correct.
Using styles: Using styles can help you quickly change the style of the header and footer in order to keep the overall style of the document consistent.
That's it for today's sharing.
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I wish you a nice day today!
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